A Year Of Wishful Thinking

A Year Of Wishful Thinking

All the things I wish for this year

It’s mad how a whole year has just gone by. And now we’re in January, it feels like there are green shoots again. So I’ve been indulging in some wishful thinking, tracing over the plans for this year in my mind. But, this isn’t a post about resolutions. In fact, it’s more of an anti-resolution list.

Here’s what I want to do.

  1. Become a better writer. It’d help at work, and on here too. Please bear with me when I experiment :)
  2. Be kinder to myself and to everyone else too. My husband is the kindest person I know, and I could learn a thing or two.
  3. Be satisfied with a low-key year. Hubby and I are nearing the finish line for saving for a place, and this year is going to be the big push to get to the goal. That means cutting back, travelling less (if at all) and home-cooking more.
  4. Remember how happy I am. I read this article on how humans are prone to negativity, and how contagious it can be. I wanna shine, be happy, and let the things that don’t matter go.
  5. Give more of myself away. To be in the moment. To share IRL, not just on social media.
  6. And finally, to write more personal posts. This is the first in a while, and I hope it won’t be the last. I promise I’ll keep them short ;)

I’m especially looking forward to…

– Doing up whichever home we get to buy. Looking thought furniture stores. Picking out the little things.

I’ll eat…

– It’s been on my list for about a hundred years, but I’m looking forward to eating at Quality Chop House next month. I hope their potatoes are as good as they look!
– I’m also looking forward to spending time cooking at home with hubby. I reckon if we can get our heads around a beef wellington by the end of the year, I’ll be a happy chappy.
– And I’ll use way more vegetables. Cabbage is my new homie.

I’ll read…

– Much more! I bought The Bell Jar recently, and have to give it a couple of afternoons.

I’ll watch…

– All the foreign language shows and films that I haven’t been bothered to so far. It means putting my phone and my laptop down and really enjoying whats on. Let’s do this.

I’m grateful for…

– Another day
– The space to think and create
– My supportive, 1 in a million hubby

Do you spend time wishful thinking too, and have you got any anti-resolutions for this year?

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One Month Anniversary & A Chicken Pie

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