Random Musings Of A Londoner

Random Musings Of A Londoner

Random musings 30-something londoner housing market

A snippet of random musings

Ah, December. The end of another year, which means some random musings are in order.

What is a random musing? I guess its a thought that just pops into your head. This is a blog post dedicated to the idea of random musings.

Who knows where it’ll take us.

1. Are my lipsticks doing ok?

My first random musing is about the state of my unloved lipstick collection. I’ve barely worn any makeup since the covid19 lockdown first began. That’s almost two years.

Are my lipsticks still ok to wear? I open a few. They smell… alright?

Or – is it time for a new me? With a whole set of new lipsticks?

Do I even like lipstick? WHO AM I?

Read more
Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipsticks for Asian Skin

2. Is home buying the only option?

Ok, I’m a British person. So the answer is always going to be yes – after all, we’re a nation of aspiring home-owners.

But I’ve spent a year scouring through what can only be the most dire housing market of all time.

random musings housing market london

Oh, Mr home owner, you want 30k/40k/name-a-number over what your house is actually worth? And it needs to be gutted and totally modernized? What’s that, it also doesn’t have a gas connection to mains? Ah and is that an electricity pylon hanging out in the back garden?


So my second random musing is more of a fantasy at this point. But, on we march.

3. Will interest rates ever go up?

The whole house buying impossibility brings me to another one of my random musings. Will interest rates go up?

I mean, theoretically they should. Inflation is starting to look like a bitch and an early interest rate hike *might* help.

But we all know they won’t go up. Not by much anyway. We live in a debt fueled world, underpinned by low interest rates.

But, secretly, in my sticky little heart, I’d love them to go up. Ah the carnage.

I know, I know, we’d all be screwed. But wouldn’t house prices come down too?

It’s a thought I chew on from time to time. Mainly as I watch house prices spiral, home ownership winking further and further out of reach.

4. Should I dabble in caffeine-free coffee?

Random musing number 4 is probably necessary at this point. I am crazy sensitive to caffeine, and can only drink real coffee before noon. Well, 11am.

So I’ve been wondering about getting the caffeine-free stuff for the afternoon. I like to write, and writing needs a hot coffee companion. A sip here, a few words there.

But will it be the same, I randomly muse?

I mean I could just buy a pack and try it. But I’ve spent this long ruminating over the thought, so I may as well just carry on.

5. Is it time for a change?

I love curly hair. I love the way it bounces and the volume it naturally has. But I can never seem to get my hair to curl. And stay curled.

It’s a cruel world we live in.

So my next random musing is pretty 80’s. Should I get a perm? Imagine the ringlets, ton’s of them, all piled up.

Hmm. How would I take care of it? Who cares! Think of the curls! The lush, lush curls.

6. Why doesn’t every city have the tube?

Ah the tube – the sweet, life-giving transport network that keeps London alive.

The tube is the nickname for the London underground. And the London underground is made up of a bunch of trains, that mostly run under London, and can whip you from Ealing to Earls Court in short order. Need to get from one end of the city to the other? Not a prob.

And the London bus network is equally good, with lots of routes and lots of buses. You really don’t need a car in London at all.

S0 my random musing is wondering why other cities in the UK don’t have similar transport networks. I’ve been out there, and you’d be lucky to get a bus an hour in some places. And trains? Forget it.

7. Is anyone out there?

My final random musing is not about space, or aliens, or other worlds. It’s about you. Who are you, stranger who reads my blog?

At this point you probably know quite a bit about me.

And I have some broad stats about who you might be (thanks Google analytics). But who are you really?

It’s a musing I randomly think about.

Well if you ever feel like it, say hello.

Are there any random musings you think about?

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